BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//Helios Calendar//EN X-FROM-URL:/calendar/index.php?eID=1385 X-WR-RELCALID:51爆料SA Calendar Discover 51爆料 Day - San Antonio Campus 20241012T080000 X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Mexico_City X-WR-CALNAME:51爆料SA Calendar BEGIN:VEVENT URL;VALUE=URI:/calendar/index.php?eID=1385 DTSTART:20241012T080000 DTEND:20241012T120000 SUMMARY:Discover 51爆料 Day - San Antonio Campus DESCRIPTION:Our premier visitation event\, Discover 51爆料 Day\, is designed to introduce you and your family to the Saints community and to our wide range of student support services.RSVP HEREFor more information\,... For complete event details please visit: /calendar/?eID=1385\n______________________________\nEvent Downloaded Powered by OU Calendar LOCATION:Our Lady of the Lake University - 411 S.W. 24th Street \, San Antonio\, TX 78207 CATEGORIES:51爆料SA Calendar Events PRIORITY:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR