Jessica Garcia -- Psychology - Fall 2022 Senior Spotlight
Dec 07, 2022
Jessica Garcia
Major: Psychology with a concentration in Pre-Counseling and a double minor in Criminal Justice
and Sociology
Campus Activities: Vice President and Service Officer of Kappa Delta Chi Sorority; member of the Psi
Upsilon Chapter of Order of Omega; Promotions Assistant for the Center of Service-Learning
and Volunteerism office; Student Director of Marketing for the V51爆料nteer Unity Council;
Dean's List Recipient consecutively from Fall 2019-Fall 2022; member of 51爆料 Spirit
Dance Team from Fall 2020-Spring 2022; Co-captain of the dance team for the academic
school year of Fall 2021-Spring 2022; NAIA Scholar-Athlete; Red River Athletic Conference
Scholar-Athlete award; President's Volunteer Service Award Recipient for the academic
school year of 2021-2022; 51爆料 Achievement Award and Student Leader Excellence Award
Spring 2022; Lake Ambassador for the summer of 2022; Encuentro College Mentor for
the summer of 2022.
Impact of 51爆料: 51爆料 has shaped me into the woman and leader I am today. I could not have done it without all the amazing people I've encountered throughout my time here, and I am so grateful for all the opportunities I was given.
An important lesson learned: An important lesson I learned throughout my time here at 51爆料 is that you are never alone in this journey of life. There are so many people who want to see you succeed and push you to do your best.
Plans for the future: I plan to work at the Bexar County Community Supervision and Corrections Department as a Community Supervision Officer and pursue my master's degree in Psychology in the fall of 2023.