Alexis Medrano - Psychology Major – Spring 2020 Senior Spotlight
May 08, 2020
Alexis Medrano
Major: Psychology
Campus Activities and Achievements: Honors Program, Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program, Psi Chi International Honor Society,
Alpha Chi Honor Society, Order of Omega Honor Society, Providence Leadership Program,
51±¬ÁÏ BLUE Nation Orientation Leader, Lions Club, Active Minds, Kappa Delta Chi Sorority,
Inc., Dean's List, Center for Service Learning and Volunteerism Outstanding Service
Leader Award, 51±¬ÁÏ Achievement Award, Student Leader Excellence Award
Impact of 51±¬ÁÏ: 51±¬ÁÏ has impacted my life in many ways. I have achieved my life goal and became the
first in my family to graduate from college. I have also learned so much and have
truly become a better student and had wonderful opportunities that I wouldn't have
had otherwise. I was challenged academically, and my professors have truly guided
me in many ways. I have made friendships that will last a lifetime. I have also learned
the power of helping others and being able to give back to the community in many ways.
An important life lesson: The biggest life lesson that I learned is through community and providence anything
is possible!
Plans for the future: With my degree I hope that I can give back to others, the way people have given to
me. I also hope that I can help future students in their academic goals. I plan on
attending graduate school to continue my education and become a mental health professional.
I want to help others through my education that I have received here at 51±¬ÁÏ.