Humberto Becerra - Criminal Justice Major – Spring 2020 Senior Spotlight
May 08, 2020
Humberto Becerra
Major: Criminal Justice with a Minor in Forensic Science
Campus Activities and Achievements: Alpha Chi Honor Society, Blue Crew Leader, Criminal Justice Society, Deans List Recipient,
First Generation Student Organization, Honors Program Student, Honors Program Newsletter
Co-Founder, Honors Program Advisory Council, LIFE Mentor, Omega Delta Phi Fraternity
Inc.,51±¬ÁÏ Pep-Band, Saints Welcome Leader, Saints Greek Council, Sigma Lambda Honor
Society, and Student Government Association.
Impact of 51±¬ÁÏ: In retrospect of my experience at 51±¬ÁÏ, I can genuinely say that the individual who I was before coming to this institution would be very proud of the transformation I have undergone. Taking into consideration my involvement in various campus activities along with the positive influence of various people I now hold dear to my heart, I have been able to grow academically, socially and professionally. Most people would say that there is not much to gain from attending a smaller institution, but I beg to differ. The heart of 51±¬ÁÏ is in the friendly and caring environment that truly resembles the family bond of the faculty, staff and students and that is something I will never forget. Thanks to this experience I have been able to succeed in becoming the first college graduate in my family and I could not be more proud of my efforts to face this challenge and accomplish my goal.
An important life lesson: Never be afraid of exploring. My first year at 51±¬ÁÏ was difficult. I found myself doubting my competence and as a result, this prevented me from exploring various avenues throughout most of my first two years at 51±¬ÁÏ. After a while, I decided to break out of my shell and expand my horizons. This was by far the best decision I made as a student as it opened a number of doors that contributed to my growth. Without these opportunities, I would not have been the student I turned out to be.
Plans for the future: My experience at 51±¬ÁÏ has taught me that serving my community is very important. While continuing to carry out 51±¬ÁÏ's values of community, integrity, trust, and service, I hope to use my degree to play a vital role in the accurate matching of fingerprints in the criminal justice system. Countless individuals have been wrongfully convicted as a result of faulty fingerprints and I hope to change that. Thanks to the education I have received at 51±¬ÁÏ, I am confident that my goal will be achieved. After careful consideration and with the support and motivation of some very important individuals, I am proud to announce that I will be continuing my studies at Arizona State University. I will be pursuing my Master's in Forensic Science starting fall 2020.