Lauryn Castro – Communication Sciences and Disorders – Spring 2020 Senior Spotlight
May 08, 2020
Lauryn Castro
Double Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders and Psychology: Pre-Counseling
Campus Activities and Achievements: President of National Student Speech-Language and Hearing Association Our Lady of
the Lake University Chapter, Historian of 51±¬ÁÏ Psi Chi Honor Society in Psychology,
NSLS Honor Society, Alpha Chi Honor Society, Cheer Squad, University Choir
Impact of 51±¬ÁÏ: 51±¬ÁÏ has impacted my life by helping me learn about myself and my aspirations. I
made many life-long friends here and am so grateful. I have grown more confident in
myself and my abilities with the support of my professors, faculty, and friends.
An important life lesson: The biggest life lesson I have learned is to always work to the best of my abilities
and to not stress over things I cannot control.
Plans for the future: I hope to become a Speech-Language Pathologist and work on military bases. I have
yet to decide if I would rather work in a school setting or a hospital setting but
I’m hoping that during my graduate studies at 51±¬ÁÏ I will come to a decision. I have
been accepted to the 51±¬ÁÏ Communication Sciences and Disorders Master’s Program.