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Mark T, Green MA, MBA, MEd, MS, PhD

Professor of Leadership Studies
Main Building, Room 320

Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Expertise

I have authored three books, about 100 peer-reviewed articles, several hundred conference papers and chaired over 100 doctoral dissertations in the field of leadership.

I have taught every grade level from freshman to doctoral; day, evening and weekend; San Antonio, Houston and Rio Grande Valley.

Prior to my 30 years at Our Lady of the Lake University, I served as a military officer for 13 years, I received early promotion to Major, served at the Pentagon and Army Medical Center, and spent three of those 13 years as a full-time student.

My graduate degree areas include business, education, counseling, information systems and theology.

Teaching Philosophy

For the last 25 years I have taught leadership to working professionals. One of the critical aspects of teaching this group is providing all semester exam material, handouts, PowerPoints and so forth before the first day of class. Adult learners want to know what will we do and why are we doing it. To facilitate this I provide narrated PowerPoints, MP3’s, MP4’s and handouts galore for all classes before the semester begins.

In class I shoot for about two “aha” moments per hour. We are all able to read books and watch PowerPoints. The goal as a professor is to take a somewhat complex or nuanced concept and through a sequence to allegories and metaphors lead the group to that feeling of “ahhhhhh, that’s why…..”.

I also ensure we review the previous class material at the beginning of each class, as adults are motivated, but balancing professions and families.

I ask myself – five years after this course, what would I like the students to remember, and I cover that multiple times in multiple ways, rather than try to cover a lot of content fast.

Outside Interests

I am a lifelong learner and working on my fifth masters degree in Sacred Scripture. My wife and I live in Boerne and after almost three decades are still soul mates, so that time together is precious. My personal website has more information www.DrMarkGreen.com.

I swim about three to four days per week, don't really post on social media except Facebook, love television series – especially crime dramas such as SWAT, CSI, Law and Order and so forth.

I’m stuck in the 1970’s-80’s classic rock genre – Rolling Stones, Springsteen, Who, Todd Rundgren, Leon Russel and Black gospel music – but the lead singer has to hit the groove between the choir chorus, not with it. My wife, surprisingly likes metal so I hear about 20 minutes of it each evening, current list is Dorothy, Spiritbox, and lately a Mongolian metal group called the Hu.

We subscribe to about four streaming services and watch movies on the weekends.

Professor Mark Green


Awards and Honors

  • Father John Moye Award, Our Lady of the Lake University, 2014
  • Moody Professor, Our Lady of the Lake University, 2013
  • Spirit of 1895 Teaching Excellence Award, Our Lady of the Lake University, 2011
  • Gloyna Award for Teaching with Technology, Our Lady of the Lake University, 2002
  • Moody Professor, Our Lady of the Lake University, 1997


  • PhD - Educational Administration, American University
  • Master of Business Administration, Our Lady of the Lake University
  • Master of Education - Counseling and Personnel Services, University of Missouri
  • Master of Arts - Theology, Oblate School of Theology
  • Information Resources Management College, Distinguished Honor 
    Graduate, National Defense University, Department of Defense, 
    Washington D.C.
  • U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
  • Bachelor of Arts - Magna Cum Laude, Psychology, Westminster College, 
  • Graduate Student, Master of Arts in Sacred Scripture, Oblate School of 

